Monday, January 11, 2010

One important thing I forgot to post from 2009, but won't forget

Here is our family picture from August 2008

Here is our family Picture from August 2009

Here is a Eric and I in August 2008

Here is Eric and I in August 2009

Ok... So what is the big difference between 2008 and 2009??
Our weight...

Eric and I worked really hard in 2009 to lose weight. We started by working out and then we decided that we wanted to start running. I don't know where that came from since I have hated running my whole life. Eric ran cross country in high school, but hadn't run since then. Not only did we starting to run, but we decided to run a half marathon. There is a lot of training that it takes to run a half marathon. We were doing a long run every weekend from January until April. The half marathon was in May. We ran it and did very well for our first one. It was great for Eric and I to be able to spend time together. Eric lost 40 pounds and I lost 50 pounds. The best part about it is that we have kept it off and are in the process of losing more.


Watts Family said...

You guys look great!!

Dani said...

What hotties!! You guys look great! Way to make a goal and stick to it! That's a great accomplishment!