Thursday, January 21, 2010

Happy 5th Birthday Madison!!

Happy Birthday to my sweet girl. I can't believe that she is 5 years old today. We have been privileged to raise her for 5 years and can't wait for many years to come. She is such a joy to have in our lives.

Here are some pictures of her when she was a baby

Here are pictures of her at her 1st Birthday Party

Here are some pictures from her tonight at Red Robin
on her 5th Birthday

Madison hugging Red Robin

Madison while they were singing to her. She got that hat at preschool today

Happy 5th Birthday Madison

I decorate their doors on their birthday's so when they wake up they are all decorated. They love it and look forward to it every year. Here is Madison's door and then her standing by it.

The sign that I made for Madison's door.

Her door all decorated.

Close up of Madison before she went to school. She still has wet hair. :)

The "birthday" girl standing by her door.

Eric came home today and the kids didn't know. He surprised them and they loved it.
I am so glad that my baby girl had a great birthday. We love you so much Madison.

Happy 5th Birthday!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Mad! I didn't know you decorate their doors. That is super cute.